

Common Questions

It’s completely normal to have a host of questions at the start of your journey, or when you’re looking to change gyms. Here’s a few of the most common questions we get asked.

In short, yes. Be started our own journey as a CrossFit box, but…

Everything in CrossFit is scaled from the complexity of the exercises to the intensity that you work at, so everyone from your grandma to your athletic hero can, participate in CrossFit. We set different levels for each workout so you will be working with others who have a similar ability to you. Even before this, we take you through a one month induction called a ‘Foundations course’ so you can learn the basics and build a strong fitness base.

Ask again after your first workout with us if you still want more cardio – chances are you will be too out of breath! The workouts are arranged so you will get a big cardiovascular challenge while also improving your posture, mobility and strength. Training using our method has been proven to be around 9 times more effective at burning fat than the traditional steady state cardio that arises from traditional gym training and reliance on CV machines. And it’s more fun!

In short our facility, our programme, our coaches and our community are completely different to any other that you have experienced before. Here you will not only reach your goals faster but you will have a great experience getting there.

Yes and we provide you with a towel.

‘Globo-gyms’ set their prices banking on you not showing up. We, on the other hand, expect you to show up and so base the membership price on how many times you attend per week and cap how many people can attend each session.

We also offer a far superior service

You will be coached by experienced trainers through every workout rather than being left on your own,
We plan every session as part of a wider, tailored programme,
Our facility can accommodate far more effective training methods than one being clogged up with boring machines,
You will be part of a close community that will support you on your journey”

For more information see our getting started page.

Any Other Question?

Don’t hesitate to ask